PAL Canada Foundation

Check In and Chat

Fostering Well-Being, One Conversation at a Time.

In an effort to increase the well-being of elder adults, “Check in and Chat” aims to provide virtual phone/video companionship along with safe personal assistance to isolated senior artists and others during Covid-19 and beyond on a volunteer basis. The goal of “Check in and Chat” is to help elders continue to live meaningful and independent lives, while assisting them

Sign-up form

    • Provide phone/virtual companionship and a friendly sympathetic ear by checking in with elder artists, especially those who may be on their own and feeling isolated and vulnerable.
    • Provide assistance in accessing community resources, health care providers, rides to medical appointments, grocery shopping and running various necessary errands.
    • Bridge the gap left by family and government personal support workers by providing important and necessary outreach on a volunteer basis.
    • Provide assistance to the elderly and infirm enhancing their overall well-being through social interactions that reduce isolation while helping them gain dignity, increased well-being, and a stronger sense of community.